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Many bio-product ideas See how to make and commercialise them



Biotechnology and the life sciences are not as overwhelming as you think. Through its bio-enterprise program, an experiential learning program, IMO Labs has made them accessible to everybody.  

The bio-enterprise program  provides participants with the basic business concepts and skills of becoming a bio-entrepreneur. Participants will be able to generate their very own bio-business ideas, conduct market feasibility studies, develop marketing and financial plans. More importantly, using IMO Labs' platform technologies, participants will be able to tap into the potential of biotechnology and the life sciences to solve day-to-day problems. Participants will develop their very own product prototypes which can then be used for product and market testing.

Our bio-enterprise program is currently adopted by several institutions of higher learning in Singapore to initiate their students into bio-enterprise. These include Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic and Nanyang Technological University. Many of these students have discovered that bio-enterprise is a real and viable alternative to working and furthering their studies after graduation. Some have actually become bio-entrepreneurs themselves.

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